Day 7: The Seed

Day 7: The Seed

Day 7: The Seed It’s amazing to look at nature and see what grows from a seed. Look at an oak tree; it comes from a tiny acorn! A seed is tiny, but once it is planted in good soil it has the potential to become something much larger. In my relationship with God, I’m...
Day 8: The Soil

Day 8: The Soil

Day 8: The Soil The honest and good heart is a heart that hears the Word of God, trusts the author and takes it in immediately. At the moment that heart receives the seed, it purposes to hold on to it, believing that with perseverance it will grow good fruit. The Word...
Day 9: The Sun

Day 9: The Sun

Day 9: The Sun In order for a seed to germinate it requires sunlight. Even a flawless seed planted in well nourished soil cannot grow without light. The sun is the triggering mechanism for the seed, sending a wavelength of light reaching within the soil straight to...
Day 10: The Sifter

Day 10: The Sifter

Day 10: The Sifter It’s impossible to talk about development without understanding that there are seasons in which we are sifted. What this means is that even if the seed is perfect, the soil is developed and the time for the sun to reach the seed is given, we still...
Day 11: Your Soil

Day 11: Your Soil

Day 11: Your Soil It’s so key for us to know the state of our soil. Where is it at? Is it hard, bare, shallow, full of thorns and rocks or is soft and rich and when you read the Word it goes straight in and takes root and produces fruit? “How do I know?” you ask....
Day 12: Roadside Soil

Day 12: Roadside Soil

Day 12: Roadside Soil  Our hearts are meant to be rich fields the Lord can plant in, but with the busyness and ‘instant response’ age we live in, sometimes they are more like a well driven path. The soil becomes packed down and hard because all the information coming...